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2022: Is it a dividing year for human history?


The term watershed, generally used in physical geography, is intended to indicate a "line" of displuvium separating a river basin from its surroundings, sometimes creating a real ridge (as seen in the picture above) of clear demarcation on the surface and visible especially in basins delimited by reliefs.

In addition to the amazing spectacle of nature, the significance of the watershed can also take on different meanings; in particular that of the current global situation.

In fact, there is a certain increasingly generalized tendency to believe that 2022 will be the great divider between the before and after pandemic, so much so that it is being called the 'watershed year in human history'


And a clear willingness on the part of governments to converge in this direction can already be found today in the ecological and digital transition, expressions of the changing reality:

  • new strategies for Smart Mobility and Smart Cities are being analyzed;

  • new strategies for Smart Mobility and Smart Cities are being analyzed, and the design of new Data Centres and telecommunications networks is being highlighted in response to the climate crisis and the call for greater sustainability of the planet.

But both ecological transition and digitization are not the only truths to be taken into account in this total change of course. And even if the horizons still appear gloomy and caliginous, it seems that sooner or later better times are to be expected, in which a new humanity and thus a new era will emerge.

It is not only the many world-famous and highly regarded mystics who are commenting on this transition, but also a large segment of the world's population who are awakening from the torpor of lockdowns, asserting their legitimate freedoms that have been obscured by the restrictions of the last two years, and proclaiming with strength and determination the beginning of a new era. Obviously, in contrast to the evolution of the so-called collective consciousness, one finds instead trans-humanism, (or the advocate of Science) which, in addition to professing its truth as the only solution for a world in which machines and man can cohabit perfectly, it becomes one of the questions regarding the fate of humanity, namely:

  • Will mankind cross the boundary of humanity, to find it again in new aseptic digitised and virtual forms with Transhumanism, or will it decisively change direction, towards a new expression of spiritual and collective humanity?

Here is where Science and Consciousness become the two sides of the same coin, revealing in small steps the change underway, and foreshadowing a 2022 that will in any case leave an important mark.

But before delving into the discussion of the two anticipated options (Science and Consciousness), it is worth dwelling on a single piece of data that in itself tells us very well and unequivocally about the crossroads we are all about to embark on, and that is to understand if:

  • Is there a before and after Covid that we must now take into account?


"Cruel and inhuman not to be able to weep over the coffin of a loved one: that is the harsh law of the pandemic."
- Giuseppe Zuccarini -

In the attempt to try to explain the emergency and the changing world through an alternative interpretation, compared to the usual predominant typologies (see the medical-scientific thesis par excellence), there is an irrefutable fact that marks a first and relevant watershed in human history. We are talking about the BEFORE (or before) COVID and AFTER COVID (which we could ironically abbreviate to A.C. and D.C.) and which recalls a series of cyclopean differences in the lives of all people, regarding:

  • Health: the body becomes the only real purpose to be kept alive, while the soul is sacrificed and loses all transcendental and philosophical meaning;

  • Relationships: both physical distances, masks on faces, sanitizing gels, and the whole virtual world of social networks, as well as the new technologies being implemented (see nanotechnology and robotics above all) take the place of sharing and social unity, solidarity and human charity, as well as mourning for a family member to whom it is not even possible to pay our last respects;

  • Rights and conception of life: in addition to the progressive diminution of constitutional rights and freedoms in the name of security, and a collapsing economy and labour market, people find themselves giving up everything for the salvation of the body alone.

The consequent fear of a different future world, perhaps not so good-naturedly constructed ad hoc for the entire world population, conceals for many an inescapable need to rediscover a little normality in everyday details or at least to rediscover the essentiality of forgotten values such as love, compassion and spirituality; in stark contrast to the others, who rely completely on the faith of Science, without any doubts or misgivings, choosing it as the only truth in this difficult transitional phase between before and after Covid.


"Transhumanism is an intensification of a tendency already inherent in the dominant culture, namely capitalism."
(Mark O'Connell)

While the Centre for Economics and Business Research's forecasts for the global economy, as reported in Il Sole 24 Ore, see global GDP rising to over 100 trillion by 2022 (thanks to the stimuli provided in response to the pandemic), there is at the same time an exponential rise in inflation and a danger of recession in the next two years, in which economic assets could even change:

  • China will take the first place from the US (as reported in the beautiful video doc of "The Economist", in which 5 possible forecasts in 2022 are presented) ;

  • India will overtake both France and Germany to take third place globally in the next 8 years;

  • Italy will still hold eighth place in 2022, despite the spread of high prices and the newly elected President of the Republic.

Therefore, in addition to the economic recovery increasingly based on sustainability and digitalization, there is a real acceleration of unprecedented scientific and technological progress, which presents a version-vision of the future, called Trans-humanist, which aims to improve the human condition and capacity (such as aging or death) through the regularization of certain principles based on the technologies used and which, as reported by the Italian Trans-humanist Association in its Manifesto, reads as follows:

"We trans-humanists have set ourselves a clear and ambitious goal: to create in our country the conditions for a moral and intellectual revolution with a Promethean orientation. We would like to see Italy and Europe as the protagonists of a new phase of technological, scientific, industrial, cultural, but also biological development, lengthening of life, slowing down of the aging process, health of citizens, physical and psychic enhancement of disabled and able-bodied people, even beyond the limits of our current biological structure."
AIT - Italian Association of Trans-humanists -

However, the preconditions for this approach are already visible today. We need only think of the last two years and of how Science with its discoveries on the vaccine (or shall we say serum) used to defeat the pandemic virus, have completely overturned the relationship between man and the technical-scientific apparatus, in which the achievement of salvation and human improvement, intend to overcome human imperfection.

Thus, technology in favor of life, with its technological supports aimed at human bio, is now more of a reality, just as in the case of Elon Musk, who has announced in recent days that he will soon carry out the first chip implantation in the brain of a paralyzed patient, with the aim of improving his performance on the keyboard for him to communicate. It is clear that 2022 will still hold many surprises in store in this regard, while in the meantime the countless admirers of the trans-humanist vision are growing.


"I am convinced that even in the last moment of our lives we have the possibility to change our destiny."

(Giacomo Leopardi)

January has always been considered the month of individual good intentions. We start out with the best of intentions, which often fade into mere words or constant references, leaving nothing on the horizon. But with the beginning of 2022, something completely new happens, and January immediately becomes the "living" proof.

It happens that all over the world, a growing number of people are starting to rebel against the many restrictions imposed by the Pandemic. People of various social classes, ages and ethnicities are taking to the streets to protest and simply say no to compulsory vaccination and the rules imposed by the Green Pass.

Because of this, all the main rights that have now been trampled upon seem to be heading towards a single road, namely that of oblivion, resulting above all from the behavioral habits now accepted by the majority of the population. A dangerous drift similar to the past (although different and horrible compared to the current situation), reformulates some points for absolute and necessary reflection, such as:

  • that health care should always be guaranteed even to those who do not decide to shit themselves; (see for example the Hippocratic Oath);

  • that the ban on access to the non-vaccinated to the many places open to the public and accessible now only with Green Pass or even Green Pass Enhanced (only for those who have received three doses of the serum) should be restored to full access rights, given the gradual return to normal (in view of the latest data) and given that also clashes with REGULATION (EU) 2021/953 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (specifically point 36, regarding Discrimination).

It is a fact that the wind of change is beginning to be felt almost everywhere, and that we can summarize it as a"true collective awakening" or advancement of the collective consciousness, which has almost always silently and compositely resisted in these long 24 months, working in the opposite direction to the hardness of the system and the presumption often of Science (or Scientism) to have only one solution to the Virus problem.

Here are two of the most recent and tangible examples of this 'wind of change':

  1. Freedom Convoy: the convoy of around 4500 Canadian and American trucks has been completely clogging up Ottawa in the last days of January, to say no to both the vaccine requirement and to end all restrictive measures;

  2. Australia: country with the strictest restrictions at the moment, has seen in recent months thousands of people gathered in various cities across Australia to protest against the 'vaccine requirement, where in a demonstration was held a MINUTE OF SILENCE for the unvaccinated who had to lose their jobs.

Thus, the human collective consciousness is growing every day, revealing itself in its own right as the other side to the new digital renaissance or fourth revolution, which is being wrought through trans-humanism. But both, albeit in reverse modes, pose us a simple and direct question:

  • What kind of world awaits us, then?


"Every day is a little life, every awakening a little birth, every new morning a little youth."
(Arthur Schopenhauer)

For two years now we have been experiencing a new normality that seems to be the only way out of this so-called infinite pandemic (still present in some countries, including Italy). And in this emergency two currents of thought are developing "in parallel" in the world, or perhaps we could say more like two visions or two different worlds, very distant from each other that perhaps will never meet, but which contain an important common denominator, in the:

  • wish and try to create a better future than today.

Furthermore, it is interesting to note that both trans-humanism and the awakening of collective consciousness take shape within our "Mother Earth", where one pushes towards the other and where both have yet to be:

  1. valued the meeting at a neutral place of discussion to try to combine the advantages of each in order to rebuild tomorrow for all together.

  2. accepted their own and each other's limitations, such as critical obtuseness or blind fanaticism to a single, non-interchangeable order, instead of trying to broaden their cognitive horizons.

As mentioned above, they are therefore the two faces of the same coin and, above all, they could prove to be the true springboard to the new post-Covid zero point that we could all witness in 2022.

While on the one hand, the main players in the world of finance, together with the WEF's Klaus Schwab, are pushing ahead with the Great Reset project in global reorganization, winking at Trans-humanism through a packed agenda up to 2030, which already crystallizes a new history for humanity, on the other hand, there is instead a reversal of course resulting from the many people, who betrayed and abandoned by the institutions at this stage, are discovering new truths to those propagandistic of the official Mainstream, and that comes as a huge shock wave, posing a further question:

  • Are we at the end of a time and the beginning of a new era?

Confirming what has been said, there are two completely 'opposite' facts that seem to communicate a certain message about the existence of two different worlds in one: the world of light and the world of shadow, excellently reported in Cosimo Massaro's latest book "Lo scontro globale" (The Global Clash), which highlights the possibility of a possible beginning, but after the battle of battles. The two facts to be taken into account are precisely:

Well, if we think about it, the future is already here. And the year 2022, which has only just begun, is already partly revealing itself as a perfect demarcator or watershed for the history of mankind, as the struggle between the two different worlds, namely the trans-humanist and the spiritual, albeit at a distance, points to the emergence of new unpredictable dangers, such as the risk of a third World War, which is getting closer and closer, but also of great challenges and opportunities in the epochal change of the human being, who, crossing discrimination and the perennial fear of an emergency, has acquired a new strength and determination towards the discovery of his true self.

So whether the direction is one way or the other, nobody knows, but the time will inevitably come when everyone will have to make a choice in this battle between Science and Consciousness. And maybe now, in 2022.

And which side are you on? We at OUTSIDERPOST would like to give you our plausible answer:

Certainly be on the side of truth and freedom of the human being. Always.

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