If we think about it, the immense Raffa Nazionale, besides having left us an incredible artistic legacy of performances, songs and historical programs, gave us a profound message on the meaning of life, through her humility and joy of living, as the essence of everything. Between celebrations and memories, here then are 6 'reasons of the heart' to follow to continue to love her.
Today, 5 July, is exactly one year since the biggest star of Italian television, and beloved international pop star, is no longer physically among us. She who, with her infinite talent, strong charisma, uncommon professionalism, and again, with her enthralling laughter, rivers of sequins and vertiginous wedges, and above all with her incredible gift of knowing how to tell, communicate, and entertain, always far ahead of the times, managed to reach people's hearts, thanks to the full naturalness of her being, and to show us a real glimpse in the sky, in which the joy of living can reveal itself to be the essence of everything, and that through it, even the impossible can be achieved.
"I have had so much from life, the good fortune of incredible teachers who have given me the gift of their time and experience, who have taught me humility and love for my craft.
Raffaella CarrÃ
A year after her passing, the image of the hundreds of people who came to the Campidoglio in Rome to pay their last respects is still alive with sincere emotion, confirming that such a profound if not unbridgeable loss of a free woman, a true artist and a truly unique and special soul is truly incalculable. In fact, the magic that Raffaella Carrà , and only she, infused through the small screen, was a true miracle both for the eyes and for the hearts of all those who followed her; an exclusive relationship with her public, which loved her deeply and which she reciprocated with extreme respect and humility, placing her above all. Often, she would say of herself:
"I am calm and lazy. But as soon as I get on stage an energy takes hold of me and I turn into a bird that takes flight."
There are many important international newspapers that have paid tribute to her during her career and likewise when she left us; such as the well-known British Newspaper 'The Guardian', which in one of its last articles, chose the following title: 'the cultural icon who taught Europe the joys of sex'. But in speaking in terms of icon and legend, it is Carrà herself who takes the right distance, thanks to the incredible dose of humility that has kept her far from excessive pampering, and the steadfastness of spirit in keeping herself firmly grounded, but without objectively forgetting her role as a cultural emancipator who has influenced entire generations.
Her humility, linked to her profound dedication to work, sacrifice and determination towards what she deeply loved, made her a being above everyone else, even though she did not know she was or wanted to be. One of Raffaella Carrà 's aims and modus operandi, was in fact to share the knowledge and transversal skills acquired over the decades, in the difficult artistic field, in order to help young people, and all those Outsiders to believe in themselves and emerge, thanks to talent and continuous hard work and study, as she herself perpetrated throughout her long and extraordinary career.
'What they found so extraordinary about my belly button, my mother revealed: 'They like it because it's a belly button Bolognese style'.
Raffaella Carrà 's television history, which began back in 1961, soon led her to become the most famous and beloved face of Italian television and then a true international pop star, climbing the European charts in the 70s and 80s, thanks to the timeless catchphrases of "Pedro" "Fiesta" "Rumore", "Tuca Tuca" and many others. Her stage power, thanks also to a slender and lively body, but never vaguely vulgar, was the perfect communicative and talented channel, of a version of the highest quality that the artistic world could ever offer, and where Music, Dance and Theatre, were all encompassed in one person, namely Carrà .
Another equally important aspect, compared to the 'all round' artist who made half the world dance and entertain, was her 'being Raffaella', with a sunny and open character and who, with the unconditional use of an overwhelming laughter, made every moment light and unforgettable. To the great charisma on stage and the polite and natural cheerfulness of the Bolognese Doc, must be underlined the profound spirituality and continuous search with the divine, in a path of belief and infinite regard for the figure of Padre Pio, whom she felt was enormously close to her heart.
"For me the world is not made up of gays and straights, but of creatures."
Carrà , who has also conquered the Hispanic world, selling millions of records throughout Europe, is a truly unique case. Her nonchalance in showing her navel, without ever being banal or out of line, makes her an icon to be imitated, but unequivocally inimitable, thanks also to her mythical blond bob, the initial work of hairdresser Celeste Vergottini, which is like her indistinguishable signature, wherever she is mentioned.
And still on the motto of the "Raffa Nazionale", it is worth remembering the mutual and unconditional love between Spain and her, so much so that over the years she has been celebrated with some important awards and honors, such as:
with the ribbon of Dame of the Order of Civil Merit, by the Spanish ambassador to Italy, back in 1985;
on 6 July 2022, an entire square will be celebrated to Raffaella Carrà in the city of Madrid, in conjunction with the Pride of 'Las fiestas del Orgullo 2022', also in the Spanish capital;
World Gay Icon Award, in 2017 during the World Gay pride, held in Madrid.
And while in Italy, they are still reasoning about whether and when to propose a square or a possible institutional honor as prestigious as the Hispanic one, the embarrassment and total consternation at the general level of the lack of an Italian honour, which would have confirmed the concrete appreciation and thanks, remains silent, towards a true International Pop Icon, and who, let us not forget, has rendered so much to our country and has even managed to make herself loved by everyone (as journalist Anna Maria Scalise wrote in 2008) "who is also liked by housewives, revolutionizing television entertainment".
"My career has been a continuous surprise, and that is the best: to rejoice in a small or a big thing is to live."
There is an imaginary fil rouge that we like to consider, in this vivid memory of the 'beautiful elevated soul' that Raffaella Carrà represented for us at OutsiderPost, and which accompanied her constantly throughout her wonderful life, amidst hard work and multitudes of satisfactions. It is the immense joy of life transmitted in every small or big thing, in its fullness, often with the amazement of a child and a creative at work, at the same time.
Here, then, are the six reasons of the heart, which we see in her, to be followed like a mantra, to still honor her light, and to continue to learn from her own strength and freedom of a true Outsider, who beyond everything, still has much to teach us. If you like, it is a further legacy that is left, albeit different, to be shared and for those who want to see beyond, of total usability in their daily lives; and that is to continue to love her and above all not to forget her. A teacher of life who continues to educate the Italian people through her loving lessons filled with precious human value, which would be worth today as an ideal solution to the various problems in the world.
Humility. Even though life has given her so much, she has never lost her way like some of her colleagues, thanks precisely to her infinite dose of humility, the girl who has never stopped learning, studying and giving thanks;
Strength. An example of unquestionable strength and tenacity, which was one of her strong points; a desire to always do better and never stop dreaming;
Freedom. The fact that she was a woman in the years of the famous global cultural changes quickly brought out in her the sense of freedom of one who says no and decides to continue on her path, against everything and everyone, if sometimes necessary;
Humanity. One only has to think of the legendary TV program 'Carramba! che sorpresa', in which she reveals the immense and sincere humanity, visible in her empathetic and compassionate gaze, and of one who, in telling stories, fully experiences the other with particular respect and listening;
Kindness. Angry Carrà ? Never. Maybe if she was annoyed whenever and very rarely, with her innate politeness, she always managed to extricate herself at times from unpleasant situations, thanks to her gentle but firm tone of voice and body language;
Joy. All the experiences she lived through were often recalled by Carrà herself through her joie de vivre, which is summed up in her constant gratitude, cheerfulness, sunny disposition and unique laughter. And of being simply true, always.
In the leitmotiv of joy and infinite love, there would be other reasons of the heart that we would like to add, such as respect, which is however indirectly present in each of the six elements.
Indeed, in each of the six universal indicators revealed in the essence of Raffaella Carrà , the profound sense of respect for herself and others is the prevailing indication of a significant attitude, present since her artistic beginnings; In emphasizing this, we do not intend anything, no idealization or beatification of the person, but to simply and with "humility" pay her the greatest homage and of equal respect, towards an "infinitely immense" creature, who always expressed herself with simplicity, and in whom humanity and kindness are her real manifestation, of a generous and loving being, and whom we have all come to know by the name of Raffaella Carrà . "
"A heartfelt thank you to you, dearest Raffaella Carrà . And with immense joy, we also say to you: that your light shines ever brighter, today, in the firmament of the brightest stars, up there. We admire you from here, to tell you again that you will always be in our hearts."
Editorial 'The OUTSIDERPOST.'