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We hear a lot lately about both the PHENOMENON of the hundredth monkey and the famous Critical Mass THEORY. The latest hints, lead us to think that we may be close to a great global change in which collectivity could make its 'leap of consciousness'. But first of all, it is essential to reason about the possible 'triggering cause' and whether indeed such an epochal turning point for mankind, so eagerly awaited by many, does not turn out to be yet another passing joke of the ubiquitous 'net'.

The apes knew a lot about a lot of things, some will think ironically. And in fact, once again we start with them, to arrive at today, in 2022, at a probable epochal leap in the human species, which could come soon, since as in the distant past, the much-discussed theory that evolution derives from the group that identifies itself as the most resilient would be confirmed:

'It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the most responsive to change.'

Charles Darwin

This is a very interesting argument that Charles Darwin himself had routinely raised, also questioning another singular point, some aspects of which we will try to discuss here, namely that:

'Natural selection was the main, but not the only, cause of the changes.'

This may in fact presuppose that there would be other causes, e.g. social and cultural, that may have contributed to establishing a particular step up in the level of one group over another, resulting in an overt forward progress arising from an action repeated and improved upon over time, and changing its modalities and meaning, thus becoming a healthy carrier of the new behavior reshaped to that act, and finally shared and recognized by the community as a whole and by scientists, who deduce the above theory.

And if this is indeed the case, we then ask ourselves:

  • What repercussions might such actions have in store, along with its root cause, that would lead one to think that today, we have finally reached that fateful critical point or 'critical threshold', at which a specified number of people would disrupt the entire global system?


“La creatività può risolvere la maggior parte dei problemi.”

George Lois

It has long since been scientifically confirmed that 'our closest animal relative is the chimpanzee, with a genetic make-up about 99% identical to man'. But when one speaks in terms of 'cognitive flexibility' in addition to what is more famously known as 'physical flexibility', there are differences; indeed, it is surprising to note how much better the ape is at performing certain actions than man. Obtaining a reward, (e.g. for a simple banana) is a typical example of this 'modus operandi', in which the monkey is much better at devising better plans and effective strategies for grabbing the 'precious prize' than his distant relative.

Here is a further example in this regard:

The study conducted by psychologist Julia Watzek of Georgia State University in 2019, later published in the journal Scientific Reports, and made visible by 'The Guardian', highlights this extraordinary nonchalance on the part of monkeys in finding continuous cognitive shortcuts to the ultimate reward, as opposed to humans. The two groups, consisting of 60 individuals on the one hand, and 22 capuchins and 7 macaques on the other, also show a further fact:

  • i.e. that man prefers not to take risks, almost always choosing the same response dynamics, and only sporadically and at a later stage opting for so-called 'shortcuts', resulting in an uncreative, if not monotonous, search.

If, therefore, the ability to problem solve is expressly denoted more in the monkey than in man, (as in this case), while perhaps the most intriguing aspect on which we intend to dwell today, derives from the fact that such an attitude opens the entrance to a subsequent level of understanding or awareness, which translated into the sphere of mankind, can be considered as a concrete transmutation of the species, since in that singular magical moment, it happens that:

  • The habit of a certain behavior repeated over time, suddenly acquires a new awareness, which simultaneously causes it to slide towards the realization of an action that is different from the previous one, which was not intended, and which derives from an unexpected microscopic fracture element that causes it to take a precise leap forward, changing the final result. To put it simply, the risk for play, creativity and flexibility very much in evidence in primates, make it possible to move from one level of evolution to a higher one.


'It is no exaggeration to say that a chimpanzee kept in solitude is not a real chimpanzee at all.'

Wolfgang Köhler

The primates' peculiarity of 'non-linearity' in solving a practical problem, linked to an evolved form of socialization, was also taken up as the basis for the psychology studies of Wolfgang Köhler who, in the 1920s/30s on the Spanish island of Tenerife, made a lengthy observation of chimpanzee learning, from which the famous term 'Insight' (i.e. the sudden manifestation of a leap forward, which, based on a series of previous stimuli, makes one see things clearly) was later coined:

  • A qualitative change in the species is possible where the repetition at a quantitative level of a certain action exceeds a 'certain threshold', improving the individual as well as the entire community.

But what threshold of action are we talking about? And what does such purely theoretical talk have to do with the modern definition of the 'hundredth monkey' in relation to the theory of 'Critical Mass'?

One could assume a very simple but entirely effective example, which perfectly explains the real mechanism of interrelation between the two theses, when we ask ourselves:

What happens when people decide to get a Driving License?

  • That they have to operate a precise plan, consisting of continuous practice, and at the same time a good level of theoretical study, which will produce the consequent increase in driving control and thus a greater sense of safety and responsibility, in order to prevent possible dangers and unforeseen incidents along the predestined route, until the moment when one day driving will be autonomous in every detail, and the driver will finally be able to smoke a cigarette or talk to a friend on speakerphone, if he wants to, without getting too distracted.

But in the famous 'Critical Mass' theory, it goes far beyond this. It's like imagining that "99 people who drive their vehicles responsibly and experienced, influence a hundredth person they know nothing about, so that they are so skillfully able to even drive their cars blindfolded." Can you imagine that?

This almost unbelievable (but still possible for Science) assumption stems from the famous Critical Mass Theory in 1952, i.e. from a 30-year observational study of the Japanese monkey group known as 'Macaca fuscata', which, on the island of Koshima, was followed through the various phases of its behavior during its meal of sweet potatoes buried in the sand. From the initiative of the young female 'Imo', to washing the potatoes in a nearby stream, the subsequent moments show an escalation of creative and purposeful behavior, as:

  1. All young monkeys learn to do the same, and teach the new procedure to their parents;

  2. The other adults, however, do not follow the same strategy;

  3. The young monkeys and their parents start washing potatoes in the sea because they are tastier.

But the incredible breakthrough occurs when all the other groups on the other islands begin to adopt the same solution. The distance of the sea does not prove to be an obstacle in the evolution of the new behavior. On the contrary, everything seems to happen simultaneously. They all learn something new together, even though they do not physically share this change together. How come?


'Our psyche is constituted in harmony with the structure of the universe, and what happens in the macrocosm happens equally in the infinitesimal and more subjective recesses of the soul.'

Carl G. Jung

The social miracle and cultural improvement that takes place in the case of the 'Macaca fuscata', underscores the main hypothesis in which it exists: "a mind-to-mind communicative bridge, which resets distances to zero thanks to the contribution of the phantom 'hundredth monkey' who washes his potatoes, creating a quantum portal between matter and energy, changing the social and cultural fortunes of all monkey groups, as a whole."

Furthermore, according to the famous American geneticist Bruce Lipton, who embraces alternative medicine to traditional medicine, he denotes that 'it is the quality of thought that influences the human genetic code and thus the universe of the human psyche', if the right mental attitudes are provided and that accompany the acquisition of a high perspective of life, in all personal spheres and with the outside world.

Thus, in the similarity between man and monkey, the concept of the sharing of profound ideas explicated by the action of repeated behavior of a small group that grows up, predisposing itself to a more powerful morphogenetic field, which will influence other external individuals unaware of such behavior, until they acquire new skills.

In this regard, it is the scholar Rupert Sheldrake who confirms the concept of the hundredth monkey, with the hypothesis of a 'morphogenetic field' (derived from nuclear physics) that would cause such a spiral and which we can summarize as follows:

  • In every morphic field (i.e. a natural system that organizes and defines itself through all the forms within it) found in so many areas, including in biology, physics, psychology, chemistry and the social sciences, the permanence of an organized hierarchy can extend to touch the entire universe, at all levels, in a 'cascade', from the primaries downwards, with a chain reaction, involving changes to all the components of the system, none excluded.

The human collective experience that recalls memory and the collective unconscious, also studied in unsuspected times by Carl G. Jung, immediately refers us to the current responsibility that Media, Social and the Internet in general, hold on the minds of individuals, often in a subtle and dangerous manner, towards a poorly clarifying way in the real information regarding the structure of the mind. Jung, immediately sends us back to the current responsibility that Media, Social and Internet in general, hold on the minds of individuals, often in a devious and dangerous manner, towards an unclarifying modality in the real information of the structuring regarding any new morphic field, so much so as to drag unsuspecting humans, to senseless and convulsive new destabilizing social behaviors, which direct to a whirling approach of a near trans-humanism, instead of a greater individual responsibility.

We ask ourselves then:

  • To what challenge do the human psyche and spirituality lend themselves today?

  • And what reversal action would be needed to avert such an ongoing dystopian scenario, in order to restore balance and redirect human beings towards greater awareness?

For Greg Braden, a world-renowned scientist, the topic of 'critical mass' was answered by a study of his in the 1980s concerning the power derived from collective meditations, with the 'Maharishi effect', from which he noted a precise percentage stating that: "out of 7 billion people, if there are as many as 8000 who operate thoughts of peace and love, the world will soon see the effects."

At the same time, the beautiful novel 'The Celestine Prophecy', written by James Redfield, was published in the 1990s. It is about a mysterious ancient manuscript that meticulously describes the passage of reaching the 'critical threshold or critical mass', or rather the moment when:

'A realization or transformation will occur when a certain amount of people experience such awareness at the same time. This growth, which has already begun in the 20th century, will then reach such a 'critical mass', or rather an adequate number of individuals who will begin to question existential questions en masse, such as: what is the mysterious process at the core of humanity? And the moment the entire culture begins to take chance experiences seriously, the occurrence of such answers will not be long in coming.'
Chapter One: 'Critical Mass' - Book, 'The Prophecy of Celestine' -

Therefore, both Gregg Braden and James Redfield, although in opposite ways, are actually communicating the same message to us and that is: that the time for a spiritual quantum leap of reversal is right now. The hundredth ape is therefore ready to execute his move and bring unprecedented change to the human race.


With the experience of the global pandemic of the past two years, a growing context of spiritual research and an 'alternative' worldview has been pronounced, which in summary is very close to the well-known concepts of 'critical mass and the hundredth monkey', in accordance with the Maya prophecies, and in correlation with the Aquarius and the arrival of the Golden Age, (books that are very explanatory of the passage 'in progress') which present the common reference to the hypothetical number of people, who would influence the collective consciousness on a mental and spiritual level, leading humanity to a quantum and dimensional leap different from the current one.

Bearing in mind the uncertain if not dramatic times, the urgent need to save the planet as soon as possible from the phantom 'climate change' underway on the one hand, and the hopeful prospect of a wonderful world to come on the other, what has yet to be 'officially' tested and acknowledged, with the exception of Gregg Braden's work, the astonishing victories of the 'Macaques', and the idea that man can improve his condition through the quality of his thinking, is to discerningly answer the question of whether it is indeed possible that:

  • People are able to communicate with each other telepathically and at a distance, being able to acquire 'together', a profound altered state in total tune with the energy of universal consciousness and the earth's 'Schumann Resonance', to the point of transforming (together) the surrounding reality in which we live today and influencing other individuals as well?

If the illusory reality in the beautiful Matrix film is presented with a 'red' pill that opens up the perception of the protagonist Neo to the discovery of the naked truth, the same possibility is summed up today with the acceleration of time and human vibration in accordance with the resonant waves of the earth's magnetic field, which concretely create the preconditions for imminent change.

What is materializing, then, is a slow but inexhaustible awakening of Gaia, in which the involvement of humans in the now-prophesied leap in collective consciousness is not excluded. And while it is still complicated to establish whether military experiments such as the cult series 'Stranger things' (just for the sake of argument) really existed or to what profound levels they are perpetrated to date, the best clues as to whether we are at a near 'tipping point' for humankind to take over are that :

  1. Every individual has tools such as: self-observation, intuition, talent and creativity to enhance concrete individual healing and mature a better version of themselves and the world;

  2. Every individual works arduously and constantly on himself, every day, in presence, i.e. trying to live "the here and now", (as Eckhart Tolle teaches in his extraordinary book "The Power of Now", which can be purchased here) letting go of the past and without trying to control a future that has not yet been written;

  3. Each individual, set aside the ego, to make room for cooperation and sincere altruism as well as unconditional love and joy towards every living being and towards nature itself, finally feeling "in service" and choosing purely natural alternatives in their daily life choices.

  4. Let each individual be RESPONSIBLE for his own actions and first of all in his words and thoughts about himself and others, with proper discernment rather than judgement and deep acceptance of things and the world.


'A grapefruit is a lemon that had an opportunity and took advantage of it.'
Oscar Wilde

It is unquestionable that both the macaca and Oscar Wilde's grapefruit, have seized an opportunity through a choice they made even if not fully conscious. But what is interesting here, is to realize that perhaps the 'real turning point', which everyone is now waiting for for mankind, could happen if:

  • One could identify a small opening, a chink or a window of understanding where one glimpses a certain opportunity to be seized.

Therefore, starting from the initial concept of critical mass in relation to the possibility of the next great event, which, let us recall, seems to be confirmed by many experts in both spiritual and scientific matters, the non-verifiability of the change taking place does not exclude its possibility of emerging, given that the variables in question are quite different from a traditional field of study of observation, and that they especially concern the deep faith of some, towards the operation of an invisible system that would influence that visible world today.

In support of these possible indications, it is clear (as from the vademecum above) that if through the work of people who expressly operate only on positive higher frequencies and stay away from the old earth patterns based on the 'god of money, ego, hatred and fear', a certain level of awareness and unconditional love would be attained, it would at least be possible to see in the world today the realization of a huge objective change in the direction of an inclusive higher intelligence, where:

"Ognuno comprende che fa parte di un UNO, a cui è collegato."

In conclusion, if we think back to the impossible achievements of the 'Japanese macaques', such an option is not to be ruled out at all, precisely in view of the fantastic possibility that the present world through its intense problematic nature is offering us, in spite of itself.

The probable answer to an epochal turning point, and the trigger for it, lies therefore in the implicit value of the word 'OPPORTUNITY' that is offered to 'Each of us', who plays the role of a possible 'hundredth monkey', who is capable of leading humanity towards the effective awakening of the collective consciousness and its spiritual elevation to a new dimension.

If this is the case, it is therefore an incredible challenge possible and tangible before our eyes, which we must not let slip through our fingers!

OUTSIDERPOST recommends reading the following books:

- 'The Celestine Prophecy', by James Redfield.

- "Aquarius and the Coming of the Golden Age", (in Italian version) by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov.

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